The Logical organisation of hyptertext/Hypermedia: based on links (hyperlinks) and nodes. a set of nodes and their various links form a web - e.g. www.
Node: a point where links are connected. in a computer network a node is a device connected to the network. in hypertext terms node is usually some block or unit of information.
Storyboards: technique that was first used for the creation of video infromation, includign film, television and animation.
- shows the various interfaces (screens)
- to identify the purpose, contents and design elements
- should identify area's used fro input, output and nagitaional elements.
Linear navigation: one single path -> simple to navigate, but not very flexible must go through each board before reaching a specified one
Hierarchical navigation: particularly suited to information that falls into categories and sub categories. once in a particular category, users are not overwhelmed by information from other categories, to navigate into another category user must move back up the hierarchy and then select another path.
Non-Linear navigation: difficult to visualise. allows maximum flexibility of design, but is easy for a user to get lost in a maze of screens. if a non linear structure is used in most cases some form of map is also provided.
e.g games
Composite: combines aspect of each of the other structures. in reality most hypertext webs use composite structure. makes sense as most web include instructional nodes that form a sequence, together with informational nodes that have some form of inherent classification.