Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Project Management Set 1C (Questions pg 63)

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. Define:
    Feasible: capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are.
    Deadline: the point in time in which something must be completed
    Payback Period: period of time required to gain a return on an investment.
    NPV: measure that takes into account the degree of concessionality.
  12. Outline factors affecting a solution's:
    Economic Feasibility: cost benefit analysis, development course, on going operational costs
    Technical Feasibiliy: ability to operate and handle various types of technology
    Operational Feasibility: support received from the new system management and existing employees
    Schedule Feasibility: consequences of not meething deadlines.
  13. Characteristics of development methods:
    Traditional: involves very step-by-step stage. (UPDIT)
    Outsourcing: involves using another company to develop parts of the system or even the complete system.
    Prototyping: main aim is to verify and determine the requirement for a new system. Extends the use such that they evolve to a point where teh actually become the final solution or they becomg the sufficient detailed that they can be used to present the concept for full scale development
    Customisation: existing system is customised to suit the specific needs and requirements of the new system. It may involve alterations to system settings within the hardware and software or it may involve underlying customisation of teh actual hardware or software itself.
    Partcipant development: simply means that the same people who will use and operate the final system develop the system. As the users and participants are the people who largely determine the requirements there is little need to consult widely.
    Agile method:
    emphasis on team developing the system rather than following predefined structured developement processes.
  14. Contrast of traditional system development with:
    Agile methods:
  15. During the planning stage the feasibility study is completed, then the most appropriate solution selected, followed by determining a suitable development approach and finallu planning how the project will be managed and updating the requriements report. Discuss reasons why these activities are performed in this particular sequence.

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